About Charitable Donations

Kats Wine & Spirits is grateful for the critical work done by local charitable organizations. Kats considers in-kind, tax-deductible requests by 501(c)(3) charitable organizations with offices in Hinds, Rankin, and Madison counties that allocate substantial funds to Hinds County and the predominance of their funds within Hinds, Rankin, and Madison counties.

Requests must be submitted at least 30 days before the day on which you would like to pick up the potential donation. We consider alcohol donations for events with insurance naming Kats Wine & Spirits as an additional insured.

If we are able to donate, we will email you the description and value of our donation. We must receive your prompt email reply with two attachments: a copy of the IRS letter assigning your charity’s 501(c)(3) tax-deductible status and a one-page letterhead receipt including our contribution's value, the charity's 501(c)(3) Tax-ID #, and an authorized signature.

Please ensure that no one comes to pick up your donation before you receive an acknowledgment that your emailed IRS letter and proper receipt have been received. Our cashiers cannot access donations until the requested email is acknowledged.

To request a donation, please complete this form, and we will gladly consider your request.